A promotion is what everyone looks forward right after being hired by a
company, but WHY do we want/need that promotion? What is all this work
for? The answer could be one of many. Here are some of the main reasons:
- ) Reduce Risk
If you are good at your job, you are reducing your risk in many ways.
Your job becomes more secure, since you are an asset to your
company and they don’t want to lose you. Your financial risk is
reduced. Your health risk is minimized. Stress will decrease, because
you are under control. These risks are never eliminated, but you can live
a much better life by reducing the problems that arise from them.
2.) Accelerate Your Financial Freedom
Income increases are a huge factor in being able to retire early.
Promotions are key to rising above your non-guaranteed 3% yearly
raise. You need to get ahead. The only way to do that is a promotion
or performance bonus.
3.) Develop Your Entrepreneurial skills
If you dream of having your own company, then sitting in a
management position will give you the first step in training.
Management is not easy, especially for a first timer. Do it on someone
else’s dime your first time around.
4.) Change Things You Don’t Like
Do you believe in your company but don’t like how it’s run? Work your
way up and help change the culture. You’d be amazed at how a
departmental change for the better can become contagious
company wide.
The 3 Types Of Promotions
Understanding how your company promotes will put you light years
ahead of your co-workers. Odds are, you need a little bit of each to
reach the level you want to get to, but there is always one that
resonates most with a company culture. Figure out where your
company stands.
1.) Political
At some companies, you have to be a corporate politics wizard in
order to get noticed. This is usually not a company you want to work for.
Corporate politics will always be a factor, but if it’s the sole way to get
promoted, it’s highly likely your company masks politics for their lack
of performance.
2.) Seniority
Seniority is a terrible reason to promote someone. For some reason it still
exists within companies today. The days that ole’ Ralph gets promoted
because he’s been sitting in the same chair for 30 years is completely
mind boggling. If this is the case in your company, you might as well
leave or plan to stay for the long haul. Otherwise, you are wasting your
3.) Performance Based
Merit is what a company should base their promotions on. It is the sole
way to determine an employee’s worth. Mr. Showoff employee may
be able to shake hands and kiss babies all day, but if that doesn’t lead
to the bottom line then who cares. Look for companies that promote
the performers, then become one.
The Extra Boost
The extra boosts are the cards you always play. You may ask why?
When the race is tight, and a promotion is between you and another
person who doesn’t do these things, you will always win. Do these from
day one:
1.) Appearance
You may think this doesn’t matter anymore. Well, it does. If you’re a guy,
and everyone wears button downs and khakis, dress one level up.
Wear a dress shirt and tie. You may get some laughs from your coworkers initially, but this will soon wear off. You will portray that you take
the job seriously – that’s half the battle.
2.) Work Ethic
Unless your company doesn’t allow you to stay past specific hours, put
in extra time. Consistently be the first one there or last one to leave. If
you can, do both. This is not easy. It’s a grind. But trust me, your boss will
eventually notice. If all else fails, you are the guy of gal who shows up
and puts in the work.
3.) Be on Time
If you’re not 10 minutes early, you’re late. Being first in will never make
you late. Bosses hate when their employees are late. It’s counterproductive and sets a horrible example to your co-workers. It also
means that your boss has to confront you, and most people hate